Nasim Googol, M.A.

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (TESOL), Macquarie University, 2012
Master of Arts in English Teaching, Azad University, 2012
Bachelor of Arts in English Translation, Azad University, 2007
Curriculum Development
Second Language Acquisition
Academic Reading & Writing
Research Skills
Nasim Googol holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics (with Specialization in TESOL), another master’s degree in English Teaching, and a bachelor’s degree in English Translation.
She has extensive knowledge about second language acquisition, syllabus and curriculum design, and theories of ESL/EFL learning that focused on how the affordances of different approaches can assist students in achieving their learning objectives.
Nasim conducted her postgraduate research on the effects of extra-curricular activities on creative writing of ELL learners and published the relevant article in IAFOR Conference Proceedings. She further developed her research skills in both quantitative and qualitative data analysis by research associate positions at UC Irvine, California and UOW, Australia where she focused on ESL learners’ knowledge development in multi-modal learning environments.
Nasim has an extensive experience in teaching English to ESL/EFL learners who came from different cultural and educational backgrounds. She served as an ESL Instructor at higher education colleges and language institutes. Nasim has taught Academic skills including public presentation, academic reading and writing, science research writing and TOEFL preparation course to undergraduate and graduate students.