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Doctor of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction (EdD)

Doctor of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction (EdD)


Program Description

The Doctorate of Education (EdD) in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction empowers scholar-practitioners to lead and influence education, design and evaluate curriculum, as well as elevate and maximize instructional methodologies. The degree integrates educational principles and leadership theories to inform research, andragogy and pedagogy, and evidence-based assessment. It combines primary research with practical experience to produce effective change agents who value diversity as well as equitable practices and policies. Students engage in project-based learning with embedded practicum experiences to solve real-world problems that foster personal and professional growth. They receive oversight, feedback, and guidance while participating in authentic working conditions. Graduates are equipped with the actionable skills necessary to positively impact organizations and advance their careers in leadership, curriculum, and instruction.


Core & Research (18 credit hours total)
Students must complete the following required courses by the end of Year 1

EDU 710 Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies 3 credit hours
EDU 711 Educational Leadership in Theory and Practice 3 credit hours
EDU 712 Curriculum Theory and Design 3 credit hours
EDU 714 Online Blended Learning and Teaching Methodologies 3 credit hours
RES 801 Quantitative Research in Education 3 credit hours
RES 802 Qualitative Research in Education 3 credit hours


Core, Concentration, & Research (20 credit hours total)
Students must complete the following required courses by the end of Year 2

EDU 715 Classroom Technology Integration 3 credit hours
EDU 716 Managing Human and Fiscal Resources as an Educational Leader 3 credit hours
Concentration Course I 3 credit hours
Concentration Course II 3 credit hours
RES 803 Identifying and Planning a Research Project* 4 credit hours
RES 804 Educational Research Literature Review* 4 credit hours


Concentration & Research (22 credit hours total)
Students must complete the following required courses by the end of Year 3

Concentration Course III 3 credit hours
Concentration Course IV 3 credit hours
EDU 900 Dissertation Course I 4 credit hours
EDU 901 Dissertation Course II/Preliminary Defense 4 credit hours 4 credit hours
EDU 902 Dissertation Course III 4 credit hours
EDU 902 Dissertation Course IV 4 credit hours


Call for more information: (949) 541-9420

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

The EdD investigates the changing landscape of education by assisting working professionals to identify problems of practice and high-quality solutions that promote positive organizational culture and results-driven growth. Westcliff emphasizes the importance of contributions to the field of education by synthesizing research, honing leadership skills, and redefining curriculum and instruction.

The EdD encourages students to achieve the following educational objectives:

Relate educational leadership principles to established andragogical and pedagogical principles and current best practices for teaching and curriculum design.
Integrate current andragogical and pedagogical as well as instructional design methods into the creation and evaluation of effective, level-appropriate material for diverse learners in various contexts and modalities.
Analyze and apply leadership theories and research to current educational leadership challenges to develop and present innovative solutions.
Develop and apply collaborative and communicative skills for effective institutional leadership.
Analyze, discuss, and apply current leadership, curricular and instructional theories to address ethical, affective, cognitive, cultural, and social challenges in institutional and educational settings.
Select, assess, and implement technology for effective leadership, administration, curriculum design, and change implementation.
Apply academic research skills to effectively find, appraise, and synthesize information for an approved research topic.
Apply analytical reasoning as well as qualitative and quantitative research procedures to guide, support, and solve complex institutional issues.

Program Requirements

  • Admission Requirements

    For acceptance into the Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership Curriculum and Instruction program, applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

    • An applicant with a graduate-level degree and a 2.5 GPA from a regionally or nationally accredited institution can apply to Westcliff University. Graduate degrees obtained outside of the United States will only be accepted if they have been evaluated by a member in good standing with the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or another nationally recognized credentialing service. In this case, the listed U.S. degree equivalency will be used.
  • Doctoral Dissertation Review

    In support and pursuit of candidacy for the Doctorate of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction degree, doctoral students must submit a scholarly written report, with original research and investigation as to its foundation. This report is commonly and collectively referred to as the Dissertation and is indicative of high academic integrity and rigor, congruent with doctoral-level studies. The doctoral dissertation may focus on the development of a new theory, or it may focus on the practical and contextual application of theory to research topics and phenomena. The dissertation should have a research purpose and/or a research problem and include the associated research hypothesis/es and question(s), methodologies for research and data collection, and an analysis of the results.

    The oral defense of the doctoral dissertation research is performed at the conclusion of the program. Following the oral defense, the doctoral committee chair confers with committee members and reaches a consensus as to whether the candidate receives a grade of pass, pass with content revisions, major content revisions required, or fail.

    Upon graduation and fulfillment of all graduation requirements, including passing the dissertation oral defense, students will receive a Doctorate of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction.

  • Graduation Requirements

    Students must complete 60 total credit hours, composed of 18 credit hours of core courses (15 lecture, 3 practicum), 14 credit hours of research courses (12 lecture, 2 practicum), 12 credit hours for concentration courses (students choose either Leadership or Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; 10 lecture and 2 practicum credit hours), and 16 credit hours of dissertation courses (14 lecture, 2 practicum). Students must also publish by the end of Year 3 (WIJAR is an option) and/or attend a conference/presentation (SyBER is an option).

    Credit hours for some EDU 803-level courses completed at another institution may be transferred into the EdD program at Westcliff University in accordance with the university’s Transfer Credit Policy. All EdD students must complete the full EdD program in 4.5 years.

EdD Courses

  • Doctorate of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction Program Requirements

    Course Sequence—60 Credit Hours Total

    Core & Research (18 credit hours total)

    EDU 710 Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies 3 credit hours
    EDU 711 Educational Leadership in Theory and Practice 3 credit hours
    EDU 712 Curriculum Theory and Design 3 credit hours
    EDU 714 Online Blended Learning and Teaching Methodologies 3 credit hours
    RES 801 Quantitative Research in Education 3 credit hours
    RES 802 Qualitative Research in Education 3 credit hours

    Core, Concentration, & Research (20 credit hours total)

    EDU 715 Classroom Technology Integration 3 credit hours
    EDU 716 Managing Human and Fiscal Resources as an Educational Leader 3 credit hours
    Concentration: Select One 3 credit hours
    RES 803 Identifying and Planning a Research Project** 4 credit hours
    RES 804 Educational Research Literature Review** 4 credit hours

    **Students who do not pass RES 803 will retake the course in the subsequent session concurrently with EDU 780 to support their work in RES 803. Students who do not pass RES 804 will retake the course in the subsequent session concurrently with EDU 781 to support their work in RES 804.

    Concentration & Dissertation (22 credit hours total)

    Continue Concentration Selection 6 credit hours
    EDU 900 Dissertation Course I 4 credit hours
    EDU 901 Dissertation Course II/Preliminary Defense 4 credit hours
    EDU 902 Dissertation Course III 4 credit hours
    EDU 903 Dissertation Course IV 4 credit hours
  • Westcliff University Catalog

Scholarship Opportunities

  • Scholarship Application

    As a Westcliff student, you have access to a powerful network of support from staff, faculty, alumni, and many others who take pride in investing in you. Scholarships are made possible by generous benefactors who are passionate about supporting your success.

  • Scholarship Application Deadlines

    2024-2025 Academic Year Calendar

    Semester Session Scholarship Deadline Start Date End Date
    FALL Session 1 07/12/24 Start: 09/03/24 End: 10/27/24
      Session 2   Start: 10/28/24 End: 12/22/24
    SPRING Session 3 11/15/24 Start: 01/06/25 End: 03/03/25
      Session 4   Start: 03/05/25 End: 04/28/25
    SUMMER Session 5 03/14/25 Start: 05/05/25 End: 06/29/25
      Session 6   Start: 06/30/25 End: 08/24/25


Program Requirements