Sema Keskekci, M.A.

BA and MA from Hacettepe University, Department of Linguistics and English Literature Ankara, Turkey 1976
MA from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (High Honors) as a Fulbright scholar 1995
Preparing classroom materials for students at all levels and ages
Designing courses for Academic English classes at University level
Managing classrooms in the most efficient way, creating an atmosphere conducive for learning
Teaching English using 4 skills
Teaching classes using Moodle platform
Preparing evaluation materials for Academic Language learners and carrying them out
Sema Keskekci holds two MAs; one in Linguistics and English Literature and another in English as a Foreign Language.
She has presented papers both in Turkey, namely Bilkent University, Ankara and Middle East University, Ankara, as well as presenting abroad in Greece and in the Netherlands.
She speaks three languages: Turkish, English and French.