Refund Policy

Refund Policy

The student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. In addition, the student may cancel, withdraw, or drop a course after instruction has started and receive a pro rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition.

If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student financial aid program funds.

Below you will find some examples of the refund calculated for each program.

Refund Calculation Example:

Refund Calculation Example for 8 Week Course MBA/MA TESOL TESOL Certificate  
Tuition and Registration for Single Course      
Cost of tuition paid $1,575.00 $2,600.00  
Non-refundable registration fee (w/cap of $200/program) $25.00 $0.00  
Students withdrawing from course during: % of Tuition Fees Refunded Refund Amount Refund Amount
Week 1 (Days 1-7) 100% $1,575.00 $2,600.00
Week 2 (Days 8-14) 80% $1,260.00 $2,080.00
Week 3 (Days 15-21) 60% $945.00 $1,560.00
Week 4 (Days 22-28) 40% $630.00 $1,040.00
Week 5 (Days 29-35) 20% $315.00 $520.00
Week 6 or Later (Days 35+) 0% $0.00 $0.00

Refund Calculation Example for 8 Week Course MBA Capstone
Tuition and Registration for Single Course      
Cost of tuition paid $1,575.00 $945.00  
Non-refundable registration fee (w/cap of $200/program) $25.00 $25.00  
Students withdrawing from course during: % of Tuition Fees Refunded Refund Amount Refund Amount
Week 1 (Days 1-7) 100% $1,575.00 $945.00
Week 2 (Days 8-14) 80% $1,260.00 $756.00
Week 3 (Days 15-21) 60% $945.00 $567.00
Week 4 (Days 22-28) 40% $630.00 $378.00
Week 5 (Days 29-35) 20% $315.00 $189.00
Week 6 or Later (Days 35+) 0% $0.00 $0.00

Refund Calculation Example for 8 Week Course DBA
Tuition and Registration for Single Course    
Cost of tuition paid $1,725.00  
Non-refundable registration fee (w/cap of $200/program) $25.00  
Students withdrawing from course during: % of Tuition Fees Refunded Refund Amount
Week 1 (Days 1-7) 100% $1,725.00
Week 2 (Days 8-14) 80% $1,380.00
Week 3 (Days 15-21) 60% $1,035.00
Week 4 (Days 22-28) 40% $690.00
Week 5 (Days 29-35) 20% $345.00
Week 6 or Later (Days 35+) 0% $0.00

All refunds will be paid within 30 days of cancellation, drop or withdrawal.

If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student financial aid program funds. Westcliff’s institutional tuition refund policy is separate from federal regulations to return unearned aid. Receiving a tuition/fee refund from Westcliff University will have no impact on the amount the student must repay to the federal aid programs.

Financial aid recipients “earn” the aid they originally received by remaining in classes. The amount of federal assistance earned is based on a pro-rated system. Students who withdraw or do not complete all classes in which they were enrolled may be required to return some of the aid originally awarded.

Westcliff University is required to determine the percentage of the Title IV aid “earned” by the student and return “unearned” portion to the appropriate federal aid programs. The University is required to perform this calculation within 30 days of the date the school determines that a student has completely withdrawn. The University must return the funds within 45 days of the calculation. The calculation is completed by the Financial Aid Office.

The following explains the formula used to determine the percentage of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government:

  • The percentage earned is equal to the number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by the total number of calendar days in the payment period.
  • The payment period for most students is the full, 16-week semester. For students enrolled in modules, the payment period only includes the days for the module in which the student is enrolled.
  • The percent unearned is equal to 100 percent less the percent earned.
  • Breaks off 5 days or longer are not included in the count of total days in the payment period.

Institutional scholarship funds are not subject to the Title IV refund policy.

23-24 Student Academic BudgetCost of Attendance is an estimate of expected costs associated with attending school for an academic year. This includes school-based fees and estimated additional expenses.

Westcliff University uses an 8-month (2 semester) Academic Year.

The costs listed above are based on full time enrollment and do not include student loan fees.

The costs listed above are based on full time enrollment and do not include student loan fees.

Students who take out federal loans will have applicable federal loan fee averages added to their cost of attendance.

Click here to see a breakdown of Cost Attendance at different levels of enrollment and estimated student loan fees that are applied if taking out Federal Student Loans.

Cost of attendance is used to help determine student Financial Aid Eligibility for Title IV eligible students and can include additional categories for students with exceptional circumstances.

If you have questions about how your Cost of Attendance impacts your Financial Aid please contact the Westcliff University Financial Aid Department using the Student Self-Service and Inquiry Form

**The budgets provided for all categories displayed here except tuition and fees are based on the the California Student Aid Commission SEARS Study Data

**Tuition and fees are based on weighted averages of student credits and expenses from the prior academic year with 23-24 cost per credit

**There was not enough data available to determine averages for on campus certificate programs tuition and fees, so online tuition and fee data was used for all certificate programs